become a
product influencer
THE HUNT IS ON!! We are looking for customers to gift FREE products to in exchange for their honest review...
We are continually looking to improve our brand, and we love getting our audience involved in the process!
We are looking for equestrians with a love for fashion to receive a FREE product of their choice in exchange for their honest review. You don't need a huge following, we are looking for REAL equestrians with a love for their sport!
Whether you are an existing customer, or someone new to the brand, we want to hear from you!
To apply, simply fill in the form below.
We are continuously looking to develop our brand and improve our product range, and for that reason, we want to hear from you!
Are you an equestrian with a love for fashion? They chances are, your who we are looking for!
You don't need to have a large social media following, or be an influencer, or competition rider, you just need to be prepared to give us your honest review on our products!
We want to hear from everyone. Show jumpers, eventers, dressage riders, happy hackers, mothers – mothers on behalf of children! Current customers, new customers, old customers... EVERYONE!
If you have just purchased an item within the past 30days of being chosen, and want to offer a review of this item, we will give you a FULL REFUND on this product!
You can still apply for this program too.
In fact, it's a great opportunity for those interested in becoming an EQUEENE Brand Ambassador to show us what your made of!
• We ask you to try on and wear the product in order to give your feedback.
• We will ask you to post your review on your social media feed and story, tagging Equeene, this can be an image of the product unworn, an image of you riding, a video of just the product. Anything you feel comfortable with! We also ask that you send us these photos and videos so that we can re-share your feedback. Please note, your account needs to be public.
• We then also ask you to write a google review, and leave a review for the product on the website, we will send you a link for this.
• Most importantly – we ask you to send us your honest feedback via email
Please fill out our application form below providing all of the required information.
We will contact you if you are successful
If you are chosen to take part, a member of team EQUEENE will be in contact via email (info@equeeneequestrian.com)
This email will contain all the terms & conditions with a programme contract to sign and send back.
Once the contract has been signed, we will send you your chosen product free of charge.
You then try out the product and provide us with your feedback.
Top Tips - We will be looking for detailed reviews and the best photos / videos so bear this in mind with your review!
- Your social account must be public
- If all of the terms aren't met, you will be charged for the value of the product and shipping costs.
- If a product arrived and is deemed faulty, we will replace the faulty item so the collaboration can go ahead.